Saturday, October 28, 2017

When I think of Research

Image result for children and drugs

  • Why is your simulation important to the field of early childhood?
               My simulation is about what teaching methods are best to use when working with children affected by drug abuse.  This topic is important to the field of early childhood because drug addiction is a growing problem that many faces in our country.  Children are often caught in the middle and are behind their peers, academically, socially, and emotionally.  We need to find effective teaching methods to help these children catch up, learn to cope, and develop executive function and end the cycle of drug abuse. 

  • If you were to conduct your simulation proposal, who would benefit
               Teachers, students, social services, and communities would all benefit from this study for the reasons that I stated above. 
  • What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this
                       My perceptions have not changed about early childhood professionals. 

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Research around the world

For this assignment I chose the Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).  From the link I learned  that  some of the research conducted internationally are similar to what is being conducted in the states. In the United States, we hear about leadership training for those in the field and how to get parents more involved., I saw several research projects with similar topics.  "Involving fathers in early childhood care and education." "Leadership Skills Training for Administration and Parent Support Training for Caregivers," and "Improving the Quality of Childcare Through Parenting Enrichment and Training of Trainers: The Eritrean Model." I was surprised by the similarities that I found. All around the world people want quality early childhood programs with well trained staff and families that are involved.
 I also found a few that I think are unique to the area that the research is done in.  There are several about utilizing indigenous stories, culture,and knowledge into early childhood programs. I think that this is important for everyone to know their heritage and be able to celebrate their culture and who they are.