Friday, July 7, 2017

Expanding Horizons and Expanding Resources

For expanding horizons, I reviewed the World Forum Foundation about us page. This organization looks interesting. "The mission of the World Forum Foundation is to promote an on-going global exchange of ideas on the delivery of quality services for young children in diverse settings," (World Forum Foundation, n.d.).  The foundation is made up of early childhood leaders from all over the world. There are conferences , leadership meetings, groups, and forums. Each forum is hosted by a group and each group is in charge of a specific early childhood topic. If someone is interested in getting involved, you can join a conversation on the forum, join a focus group, or become a global leader for young children. 

I also listened to one of their pod cast, which I was surprised to not find mentioned any where on their about us page. The pod cast that I chose was an interview with Susan Lyons who is the director of the Innovative teacher Project in San Frisco.  The project is a network of schools and teachers that want to learn more about in depth approach to learning inspired by Reggio Emilia.  Each month a teacher presents their school to the group and they have discussions about the school. This has helped the schools and teachers in the area to grow and develop to make each school an inspiration.   

I would love an opportunity to go to one of these meetings and see what all is going on and how this network has helped these teachers and districts.  

For part two of this assignment, I chose the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI). I chose this because I am interested in learning more about education in other parts of the world. I signed up for emails, which I am hoping means their e news. 

Association for the Association for Childhood Education International. (n.d.). 
World Forum Foundation. (n.d.). about us. Retrieved from
World Forum Foundation Radio. (2011). Interview with Susan Lyons. Retrieved from 


  1. Hello Kaleena, I look forward to hearing more about the podcast from the World Forum. I was unable to get into the site. Was there a specific time that you logged in? I'm on eastern standard time and tried several times on Wednesday and Thursday to get in, but unable to get in. Sylvia

    1. Hi Sylvia, I am also on eastern standard time. I could not get the link to work and I ended up typing the web address into a google search to get to it.

  2. Hi Kaleena. The World Forum Foundation is a great resource. There are so many great resources to choose from on our lists. It's very helpful for us to be knowledgeable about strategies and techniques used in other countries. It's awesome when we can work together towards the same goal as providing quality education programming for children and families in need. I look forward to hearing more about this organization.

    Thank you for sharing this information. It's important for us as professionals and parents to support one another in this way to ensure we are providing the best learning experiences for our children and ourselves.

    1. Hi Jeannette, Thanks for the feed back. I am looking forward to learning from the Wold Forum Foundation. I agree it is important for all of us to work together for the education of children.

  3. Hi Kaleena,
    I'm excited to see what you find out from the Association for Childhood Education International. This website sounds super interesting and I do agree with you learning out how education is around the world. Great Post!!!

  4. Hi! I am excited to learn about the Association for Childhood Education International through your blog. I chose to focus on Zero to Three, so I am really interested to learn about other sites and organizations through everyone's blogs. Is there something in particular that drew you to that organization?
    Take care!
