Friday, August 25, 2017

Week 8

I have enjoyed learning about the international early childhood field these past eight weeks from  the Association of Childhood Education Internation.
The three consequences of leaarning about the international early childhood field are: 1.) You can no longer live in a bubble. The world is much bigger and the need is bigger than you thought.  2.), The ways of the United States are not the ways of the world. Many countries do things different and better than what we do. The third  consequence is the feeling of wanting to do something to make a difference.  ACEI offers a variety of programs and groups that I have dissussed these past few weeks to get involved in.

Image result for children around the world


  1. Hi Kaleena. It has been a very enlightening 8 weeks. We have gained so much knowledge regarding the ECE field on an international level. It has been a great experience sharing information about the many early childhood organizations that are dedicated to the healthy growth and development and well-being of our young children.

    Thank you for all you have shared. I wish you great success in all your future endeavors.

    Jeannette Fernandez

    1. Thank you Jeannette, I wish you the best as well.

  2. Hi Kaleena,
    I must say, until this course, I truly believed I was intune with the various issues and trends that surrounded and sometimes engulfed the young children we support. What I found, as you stated so perfectly, I was living in a bubble. The last 8 weeks has truly awakened the realities as to the real issues plaguing the children and families in our communities; as well as, globally. The outcomes associated with these new insights; a drive and desire to join my fellow colleagues in tackling the very issues that haunt the young children we have dedicated ourselves to protect.
    Thank you for your post and may the rest of your Walden experiences bring you continued enjoyment.

    1. Hi Lynnette, Thank you for your feedback. I did not realize that I was living in a bubble until recently. I am so glad that I made the desicion to pursue this program. I wish you the best as well.
