Friday, December 15, 2017

Welcoming families from around the world

I just found out that in two weeks I will be getting a new child in my class from Andorra.  Where in the world is Andorra?  I start doing research so that I can make this child and his family feel welcome. First I look up Andorra on the Department of State website. I find out that it is a tiny country between France and Spain in the Pyrenees Mountains. I find out it is a popular tourist destination due to duty-free shopping and variety of winter sports.  I then do a google search to learn about the culture and costumes of the land.
From the world factbook, I learn that Catalan is the official language though many speak French, Portuguese, and Castillian. The dominant religion is Roman Catholic. This is still just superficial facts, I need more info on what the culture is like. I do an image search to see what the culture is like. The scenery is breathtaking. I print off some of the pictures to make a book to talk to the class about before our new friend arrives. We look up how to say hello in Catalan and practice saying it.  I looked up youtube videos about the culture and life and showed appropriate ones to the class. We also researched the food of the area and talked with the cook about adding some to our menu.
I hope that this preparation will help me make the family feel welcomed and that we are here to partner with them in their child's education. 

Date: 02/10/2011 Description: Map of Andorra. © CIA World Factbook
Image result for Andorra culture

1 comment:

  1. Kaleena
    I love the approach you used in helping you to prepare. I would use the same approach because I believe that research is key. If we do not fully understand the differences that we will be met with, we will not be able to appreciate and respond to them. You did a great job with this post!
