Adjourning phase was difficult when I left Lawrence Co. Head Start the first time. I was getting married and moving five hours away to Cleveland. The center that i worked at had a celebration for me. I received cards, flowers, a carry in lunch. Everyone congratulated me, and also expressed that I would be missed I had other teaching positions before, but this is where I grew and matured as a teacher. We were a three star center( the highest award at the time in Ohio), just passed the Head Start federal review with flying colors, and was NAEYC accredited. It was here that I learned what high quality, collaboration, etc. looks like. Leaving was difficult, but what is even more difficult is that no place that I have worked at since measures up. No other place has the feel of community, working together for the good of the children we serve, staff wanting to do their best, and wanting to learn more. We had high expectations, yet, if you struggled someone would help you without devaluing you. I have missed this. As I think of opening my own center, I want to have this feeling of acceptance, collaboration, comradely, and high quality.
As I think of adjourning from this group, I feel the need to find a few of you all on facebook. I think having each other to bounce ideas off of would be a great idea. I also would like to see how everyone is doing.
Adjouring is important because we have to move forward to grow. We all will have new batons to carry and hand off to the next runner.
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