I cannot believe that my time at Walden is coming to a close. I have started and stopped working on my Master's degree at least five times with 4 different universities. Three years ago, I became passionate about starting my own early learning center and thought, it is now or never. I researched universities and programs and decided on Walden. I am so glad that I did. I feel like I have to skills that I need to get started and knowledge of skills that I need to work on. For example, I learned that I will need help with the business aspect of running the center. In the Budget and Allocation class, I was $100,000 over budget the first time I worked on one. There were so many things that I did not take into consideration, such as, staff benefits, insurance, legal fees, etc. My husband has an MBA and I told his I will definitely need his help to get started.
In Developing People and Leading teams I learned much about my leadership style and the way that I communicate. I also learned new techniques of how to handle conflict. The conflict resolution network is bookmarked on my computer and I find myself using it frequently.
My third most important learning goes along with the first, it is grant writing. I have been interested in grants and grant writing but did not know how to get started. I now have resources booked marked and I have written a grant for work. I will say, that it is probably my least favorite thing to do and I regret telling my boss that I could do it. However, it is practice for when I am able to open my center.
My long term goal is to open More Precious than Rubies and be an adjunct professor at the local community collage. This way I am able to make a difference in children's lives now and in the future but training future teachers.
It has been great learning with everyone, I know so of us have been in class together since day 1. I wish everyone the best of luck with your goals and dreams. I am on facebook as Kaleena Wiseman and my email is kaleenabattles@gmail.com if you would like to stay in contact.